


Matrix_int is a two-dimensional array of signed short integer number, i.e. each element in the matrix takes 2 bytes of computer memory. 

A matrix_sht can have a null data, so that a particular element whose value equal to the specified value of nulldata will be omitted in matrix computation, for example calculation of minimum, maximum, or in matrix operation, for e.g. matrix overlay. 

A matrix_sht also has a flag_null, and its value can be 0 (off) or 1 (on).  When flag_null = 0, there is no omission of nulldata.

Member data

Name Data type Meaning
nrow int number of rows
ncol int number of columns
flag_null bool a flag indicates whether the null data is omitted in computation(0 = no, 1 = yes)
nulldata bool value of null data (not application if flag_null = 0)



See details in operator section.


Construction function

{Matrix_sht} ret  =  MATRIX_SHT([{int} argm1, {int} argm2, {short} argm3])

argm1 = no of row        (default = 0)

argm2 = no of column     (default = 0)

argm3 = initial value    (default = 0)


->A = Matrix_sht()

->print A

     no of row     : 0

    no of column  : 0

->B = Matrix_sht(3,2, 10.15)


ans =

    no of row     : 3

    no of column  : 2

   0:              10              10

   1:              10              10

   2:              10              10



object({int} argm1, {int} argm2)   =  {short} left-value

argm1 = row index

argm2 = column index     

object.FLAG_NULL()   =  {bool} left-value

object.NULLDATA()    =  {double} left-value


->B(0,0) = 999


ans =

    no of row     : 3

    no of column  : 2

   0:             999              10

   1:              10              10

   2:              10              10


ans = 0

->B.flag_null() = 1


 ans = 1


ans = 0.000

->B.nulldata() = -90


ans = -90.000



Class function


See class function of Matrix