Image rectification (Geocoding)


Examples in this section are:



Image rectification using classical 2D transformation

There are four types of transformations available in Noobeed, namely "conformal", "affine", "pjtive" and "poly2nd".  Each of them can have three types of resample, namely "nearest", "bilinear", and "bicubic".  Bilinear method uses 4 neighboring pixels for interpolation, while Bicubic interpolation requires 16 pixels.

We start off with a TIF file "hyper.TIF", a hyper-spectral image (size 200 x 250).  The image is intentionally made blur and a set of grid lines are added to it for a demonstration purpose.

We are going to make a collection of rectified images, using all the available transformation model and resample types.  The best way is to write a small program to do the task.  Here is the program.

 set path "d:\hyper"

/*********** load the input TIF image
 fname = "hyper"
 A = image_uch()

/*********** resolution of output image
 res = 10

/********** 4 types of Transformation

 tran = VecStr(4)

/********** 3 types of Resample
 resamp = VecStr(3)

/********** input image rectangular coordinate, in row and column
/ after read convert to X Y right hand coordinate system
 v1 = vecidpt2d()
 v1 = A.vidrc2xy(v1)

/********** input ground control coordinate
 v2 = vecidpt2d()

 for i=0,3
   for j=0,2
     A_new = A.rectify(res, v1, v2, tran(i), resamp(j))


After running the program, we will have TIF files, named "hyper_conformal_nearest.tif", "hyper_conformal_bilinear.tif", ..., "hyper_poly2nd_bicubic.tif".  In total there will be 16 files created, using as few as 25 lines of program codes, and finishing running in 40 seconds (Intel Pentium II 400 Mhz).

The following are some of the results of the rectified images.



Ortho-rectification of SPOT image

First we load a TIF file into a SPOT object.

->s = SPOT()


Due to a copyright reason, the image can not be shown here.  However this is just a typical TIF image file, with a size of 6000 x 6000 pixels, a panchromatic image.

Next we load two observation files, one is for image rectangular coordinates in row and column number, the other is ground control coordinate.  Here they are.

->v1 = VecIdIndx()


->v2 = VecIdPt3D()


It is noticed that the ground control coordinates are of the three dimensional system, as we are going to model the exterior orientation of SPOT in a rigorous mathematic model, collinearity condition.  The contents of the the two observation files are as follows.

/ File "obs_gcp_rc.txt"

/SPOT gcp measurement on the image

/NO.    row     col  SD(pixels)

711  2691.38  2366.90  0.3
713  2657.14  2165.16  0.3
714  2663.89  2106.91  0.3
715  2700.38  2043.91  0.3
716  2701.13  1935.67  0.3
721  2767.13  2360.65  0.3
722  2742.38  2231.91  0.3
723  2774.13  2190.91  0.3
724  2780.13  2058.41  0.3
725  2839.38  1998.41  0.3
726  2866.38  2083.91  0.3
732  2925.88  2305.65  0.3
734  3058.62  2284.65  0.3
736  3120.12  2045.41  0.3
741  3018.62  2352.90  0.3
742  3122.87  2206.91  0.3
743  3161.62  2310.15  0.3
744  3064.37  2301.65  0.3
752  3249.62  2393.40  0.3
754  3302.62  2351.15  0.3
756  3349.50  2077.50  0.3

/ File "obs_gcp_xyz.txt"

/ SPOT gcp from GPS

/ NO.    X            Y        Z

711  69833.385  737233.552  649.210
713  67913.376  737876.347  638.860
714  67356.311  737898.543  647.050
715  66642.976  737644.885  657.210
716  65579.520  737806.741  635.640
721  69617.589  736495.325  615.332
722  68398.938  736937.463  622.721
723  67927.200  736696.814  626.811
724  66606.937  736855.848  614.097
725  65888.822  736352.839  638.860
726  66671.683  735960.310  613.052
732  68719.171  735037.898  615.389
734  68218.895  733768.097  628.490
736  65735.543  733539.690  665.660
741  68977.069  734048.902  634.910
742  67315.931  733246.455  635.070
743  68246.432  732718.190  630.100
744  68379.168  733682.048  628.000
752  68848.509  731711.446  610.316
754  68344.115  731260.218  617.369
756  65546.158  731253.070  629.851

We realize that the ground control coordinates do not have a standard deviation in the file.  We will assigne a reasonable value to it.  Experiences suggest that an appropriate standard deviation for SPOT ground coordinates is about 3.5 meters.  This applicable no matter how well the ground survey is, due to the ability to identify them on the image, which is about 0.3 pixels, or 3.5 meters.

We assigne a standrad deviation value to every point in the object "v2" by:


Now what we have to do is to call a class function "EO" of SPOT, as follows.

->s.EO(v1, v2, "RPT_eo")

It takes a few seconds, and the result of adjustment is stored in the file "RPT_eo.txt", as well as a set of EOPs is assigned to the SPOT object "s".  The content of "RPT_eo.txt" will look like this.


SPOT Exterior Orientation Report(Collinearity with 1st order polynomial modelling)


SPOT image...

image id     : 0
no of row    : 6000
no of column : 6000
focal length : 1082.000000
array length : 78.000000
array time   : 9.000000

Input measure image rectangular coordinate(origin at lower left corner)...

pt no   x       y     sd

711  30.776  43.006  0.004
713  28.154  43.451  0.004
714  27.396  43.363  0.004
715  26.577  42.889  0.004
716  25.170  42.879  0.004
721  30.695  42.021  0.004
722  29.021  42.343  0.004
723  28.488  41.930  0.004
724  26.766  41.852  0.004
725  25.986  41.082  0.004
726  27.097  40.731  0.004
732  29.980  39.957  0.004
734  29.707  38.231  0.004
736  26.597  37.432  0.004
741  30.594  38.751  0.004
742  28.696  37.396  0.004
743  30.038  36.892  0.004
744  29.928  38.157  0.004
752  31.121  35.748  0.004
754  30.571  35.059  0.004
756  27.014  34.450  0.004

*** remark if sd = 0 => default sd will be used (0.060 mm) for photo coordinates **

Ground control coordinate...

pt no    x            y        z       sd

711  69833.385  737233.552  649.210  3.500
713  67913.376  737876.347  638.860  3.500
714  67356.311  737898.543  647.050  3.500
715  66642.976  737644.885  657.210  3.500
716  65579.520  737806.741  635.640  3.500
721  69617.589  736495.325  615.332  3.500
722  68398.938  736937.463  622.721  3.500
723  67927.200  736696.814  626.811  3.500
724  66606.937  736855.848  614.097  3.500
725  65888.822  736352.839  638.860  3.500
726  66671.683  735960.310  613.052  3.500
732  68719.171  735037.898  615.389  3.500
734  68218.895  733768.097  628.490  3.500
736  65735.543  733539.690  665.660  3.500
741  68977.069  734048.902  634.910  3.500
742  67315.931  733246.455  635.070  3.500
743  68246.432  732718.190  630.100  3.500
744  68379.168  733682.048  628.000  3.500
752  68848.509  731711.446  610.316  3.500
754  68344.115  731260.218  617.369  3.500
756  65546.158  731253.070  629.851  3.500

*** remark if sd = 0 => default sd will be used (0.100 m)**

Exterior orientation parameters...

omega (deg) : 17.108990505764275
phe (deg)   : -7.225817669916408
kappa (deg) : 348.713132885787620
Xo          : -35690.312
Yo          : 457102.646
Zo          : 810253.534
dt_omega    : -2.839733600792630
dt_phe      : 1.492385656270120
dt_kappa    : 0.471590962425169
dt_Xo       : 23042.3030663170
dt_Yo       : 47471.5241835071
dt_Zo       : 3457.7207306428

Covariance matrix of transform parameters ...

omega(sec) phe(sec) kappa(sec) Xo Yo Zo a_omega(sec) a_phe(sec) a_kappa(sec) a_Xo a_Yo a_Zo

5.225229e+008 4.183825e+008  1.946501e+007  1.679116e+009  -2.085171e+009  -2.178181e+008  -9.927705e+007  -8.731530e+007  -3.940334e+006  -3.504298e+008  3.960571e+008  4.270745e+007
4.183799e+008  3.238289e+009  2.347824e+007  1.299688e+010  -1.702329e+009  2.132436e+008  -1.719080e+008  -6.849222e+008  -5.450306e+006  -2.748974e+009  6.941214e+008  -2.362248e+007
1.946503e+007  2.347842e+007  7.272558e+006  9.423621e+007  -7.894491e+007  9.184635e+006  -7.877878e+006  -4.886086e+006  -1.579410e+006  -1.961170e+007  3.175550e+007  -9.380875e+005
1.679106e+009  1.299688e+010  9.423552e+007  5.216304e+010  -6.831913e+009  8.548732e+008  -6.897535e+008  -2.748928e+009  -2.187576e+007  -1.103298e+010  2.785032e+009  -9.470140e+007
-2.085171e+009  -1.702340e+009  -7.894484e+007  -6.831956e+009  8.325289e+009  8.214520e+008  4.075707e+008  3.553280e+008  1.606067e+007  1.426039e+009  -1.627022e+009  -1.635104e+008
-2.178177e+008  2.132447e+008  9.184655e+006  8.548776e+008  8.214503e+008  6.419704e+008  -9.119237e+007  -4.441653e+007  -2.836395e+006  -1.780559e+008  3.758060e+008  -9.837796e+007
-9.927716e+007  -1.719091e+008  -7.877878e+006  -6.897576e+008  4.075711e+008  -9.119225e+007  5.093483e+007  3.585902e+007  1.834077e+006  1.438788e+008  -2.060759e+008  1.130906e+007
-8.731474e+007  -6.849221e+008  -4.886050e+006  -2.748928e+009  3.553258e+008  -4.441630e+007  3.585880e+007  1.453815e+008  1.134840e+006  5.834949e+008  -1.447971e+008  4.857543e+006
-3.940338e+006  -5.450345e+006  -1.579410e+006  -2.187591e+007  1.606068e+007  -2.836391e+006  1.834077e+006  1.134849e+006  3.457400e+005  4.554980e+006  -7.403507e+006  3.334396e+005
-3.504276e+008  -2.748974e+009  -1.961155e+007  -1.103298e+010  1.426030e+009  -1.780550e+008  1.438780e+008  5.834949e+008  4.554947e+006  2.341883e+009  -5.809721e+008  1.947303e+007
3.960575e+008  6.941255e+008  3.175550e+007  2.785049e+009  -1.627024e+009  3.758055e+008  -2.060759e+008  -1.447980e+008  -7.403507e+006  -5.809756e+008  8.338584e+008  -4.686195e+007
4.270739e+007  -2.362259e+007  -9.380908e+005  -9.470183e+007  -1.635101e+008  -9.837797e+007  1.130908e+007  4.857565e+006  3.334403e+005  1.947312e+007  -4.686203e+007  1.532342e+007


image rectangular coordinate gcp coordinate

pt no    vx       vy        vx       vy     vz

711   -0.002    0.004    1.019    1.677   -0.433
713   -0.005   -0.002    5.550    5.155    0.204
714    0.006   -0.001   -5.688   -5.777    0.109
715   -0.000    0.003   -0.214    0.283   -0.318
716    0.001    0.003   -1.112   -0.538   -0.359
721    0.004   -0.006   -2.597   -3.694    0.729
722    0.001   -0.007    0.382   -0.848    0.788
723    0.000    0.000   -0.226   -0.222   -0.000
724   -0.003    0.012    0.959    3.008   -1.328
725   -0.000   -0.010    2.162    0.450    1.082
726   -0.000   -0.005    0.935    0.029    0.575
732   -0.001    0.006   -0.204    0.895   -0.706
734   -0.001    0.006   -0.037    1.001   -0.668
736   -0.000   -0.001    0.178    0.036    0.089
741   -0.001    0.003    0.271    0.762   -0.318
742    0.002   -0.013    0.338   -1.884    1.427
743    0.001    0.009   -2.169   -0.621   -0.977
744    0.001    0.004   -2.179   -1.537   -0.393
752   -0.005   -0.007    6.501    5.329    0.695
754    0.004   -0.002   -3.701   -4.058    0.263
756   -0.001    0.004   -0.167    0.554   -0.462

no of iteration    : 25
SD of unit weight  : 1.699


Stop conditions are

1. no of iterations exceeds 30 OR
2. correction to Xo, Yo, Zo coordinates are less than 0.000100 Meters

Please note that this example is not a good demonstration as you can see that ground control points are not well distributed over the whole image.  That is why the computation took 25 iterations to convert.  In fact the maximum number of iteration is redefined to 30 prior to this computation.  Please also note the poor result of the covariance matrix, which is far worse than a typical result of SPOT image.

Now the SPOT object is ready to make an ortho-rectified image.  We need a DEM, which must be an image object, for it has a spatial information.  We will load it into an Image object, say "DEM".  Then using the class function "ortho", we will be able to make an ortho-rectified image.  The whole procedure takes less than 10 statements.  here it is.

->resolution = 10

->s_new = s.ortho(resolution, DEM, "nearest")

Due to a copyright reason, there will be no image result shown here.  We welcome if anyone would like to share the data for the presentation purpose in this area.